Briefing on HKEX Second ESG Consultation Paper cum HERA 2019 Information Session - May 30 - ESG Reporting and Consulting in Hong Kong

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Briefing on HKEX Second ESG Consultation Paper cum HERA 2019 Information Session – May 30

HKEX published a consultation paper on Review of the ESG Reporting Guide on 17 May. Proposed key changes include:

  1. Shortened ESG report publishing deadline to align with the publication time frame of annual report
  2. Upgrade ALL Social KPIs to “comply or explain”
  3. Add Aspect A4 Climate Change
  4. Require disclosure of relevant Environmental targets
  5. Introduce mandatory disclosure requirements (“MDR”)

Alaya Consulting, an award-winning ESG consultancy which has successfully completed and has been advising for nearly 200 ESG reporting projects, cordially invite you to join this briefing session. This briefing aims to share hands-on experience to help answer the following questions:

  1. Is your data collection system ready for shorter reporting time frame?
  2. Are you ready to disclose all material social KPIs?
  3. How are you going to set SMART environmental targets?
  4. What is your process of identifying material aspects and report boundary?

The briefing will be followed by HK ESG Reporting Awards 2019 Information Session.

Date: Thursday, May 30, 2019

Time: 3pm – 6pm (Registration to start at 2:45pm)


Briefing on HKEX Second ESG Consultation Paper


Coffee break


HERA 2019 Information Session


Sharing by 2018 Grand Award Winners

·         The Bank of East Asia, Limited

·         K. Wah Construction Materials Limited

·         Yip’s Chemical Holdings Limited



Venue: Solomon Financial Press Limited, Room 1703, World-Wide House, 19 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong

Fee: Free of charge (limited seats available)

Language: Cantonese supplemented by English

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