Climate-Related Financial Disclosure Slowly Rises as A Trend - ESG Reporting and Consulting in Hong Kong

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Climate-Related Financial Disclosure Slowly Rises as A Trend

susie October 25, 2022 0 Comments

The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), published its 2022 Status Report on October 13th. This year marks five years since the Task Force published its final recommendations in 2017, and the 2022 Status Report assesses developments and progress during that time.

As part of its assessment, the Task Force reviewed publicly available reports of over 1,400 companies from eight industries and five regions to better understand current climate-related financial disclosure practices and their evolution. Notably, the average number of recommended disclosures addressed per company has steadily increased each year for the past five years — from 1.4 in 2017 fiscal year reporting to 4.2 in 2021 fiscal year reporting. In addition, while 80% of companies disclosed in line with at least one of the TCFD-recommended disclosures for fiscal year 2021, only 43% disclosed in line with at least five. These levels of disclosure fall short of the TCFD’s 11 recommended disclosures.

On average across the 11 recommended disclosures, the percent of companies disclosing TCFD-aligned information increased by 26 percentage points between 2017 and 2021. In addition, over 60% of the companies reviewed disclosed their climate-related risks or opportunities in 2021 fiscal year reports – up from 27% in 2017 fiscal year reports.