Alaya X NASDAQ Corporate Solutions ESG Case Competition 2020
Nowadays, corporates no longer operate on the mere goal of shareholder profit maximization, but instead need to take into consideration the wellbeing of all stakeholders. ESG, which stands for environmental, social and governance, is progressively growing to become the major norm; being able analyze cases through the lens of corporate sustainability hence becomes a vital skill for any future leaders like you.
Competition Format
We will present to you a real-life case study of a company that currently faces challenges in relation to ESG aspects, while you are required to analyze the case and propose viable solutions to resolve the difficulties.
There will be two rounds in total: the preliminary round consists of a written proposal by each team that will be submitted online, whereas the final round will be a real-time virtual presentation accompanied with a Q&A section via Zoom. (Note that both the written proposal and the presentation will be wholly conducted in English)
Interested undergraduate students are required to form teams of three to five, with no limitations on majors, year groups, or universities. We strongly encourage cross-disciplinary collaborations since ESG is a variegated topic that involves knowledge from multiple areas of study.
Our Vision
We envisage a well-rounded and comprehensive analysis that is not simply built on conventional business theories or frameworks, but instead stems from a blend of skill sets from different fields of study. At Alaya, we highly value innovation and creativity, so think out of the box and showcase your unorthodox ideas to us!
What you can gain
It would be a valuable opportunity for you to apply your skills and knowledge learnt at school to a real-life setting. Through analyzing a unique ESG-focused case, you would be able to enrich your knowledge on the growing global trend of corporate sustainability.
Nowadays, special and relevant experiences are the key qualities that employers frequently look for. In a pool of fresh graduates with similar academic backgrounds and qualifications, it is inevitably hard to stand out against other job seekers. Nevertheless, Alaya’s ESG Case Competition would definitely be a remarkable chance for you to accumulate soft skills and polish up your resume for your dream job.
The top three winning teams will be awarded cash rewards as a token of appreciation, while the champion team will be offered the chance to have a team lunch with Nasdaq senior executives.
Shall you have any questions, please feel free to email us via holly@alayaconsulting.com.hk.
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